1% Club (One Club Ventures Private Limited), being comprised of digital access and downloadable files, is ideally a
non-refundable service.
However, if you use our materials and attend classes, and still decide it was not worth it, then you may apply for a full refund within 7 (SEVEN) days of purchase.
Your refund will be processed within 7 business days after you raise the request by sending an email to

A fee refund will be only applicable subject to fulfilment of all below conditions:

1. You apply for refund strictly within 7 days of your purchase transaction.
2. Minimum 50% of the Personal Finance course/modules by Sharan Hegde is required to be completed, and proof the same needs to be shared on the email.

Important Note:

However, it is hereby clarified by us and agreed, accepted, understood, and acknowledged by you that no refunds will be issued in the below circumstances:

i. No refunds will be issued after completion of 7 (SEVEN) days from purchase transaction; or
ii. Failure to complete at least 50% of the Personal Finance course/modules by Sharan Hegde; or
iii. Financial problem or time constraint can not be a reason to ask for refund; or
iv. Any other reason not listed above, at the sole discretion of 1% Club.

When you enrol for 1% Club, it is mutually understood that you signed up at your own will with full understanding that the implementation of the teaching to get results will be your sole responsibility.

It is also to be noted that your subscription may be cancelled with no refunds in case of the following events:

1. Fraudulent activities including but not limited to: copying our content, plagiarism, counterfeiting, sharing login details with other parties except yourself, and reselling the course content(s).
2. Verbal disrespect towards 1% Club team members or fellow community members.
3. Any activities deemed as inappropriate, unlawful, threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, deceptive, fraudulent, invasive of another’s privacy, infringing any intellectual property rights or proprietary rights, discriminatory, sexually oriented, or tortious by 1% Club team (for ex. unsolicited unprofessional messages).
4. Use of the service for any illegal or unauthorised purpose, or to disrupt, damage, disable, alter, tamper, delete or interfere with the service.

In case of any unexpected errors or for raising a refund request, you may connect with us at

Please note that the aforementioned email address is the only official channel of communication for any support you seek from us, including raising a refund request.

You should receive your log in details within 48 hours of purchase, further details are to be shared in your Welcome Kit. We hope to continue serving you as a valuable member of 1% Club community.